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Grace Okubo

Strategist, Futurist, Designer & Innovator

I blend methods and processes from design thinking, strategy, and foresight to propose innovative solutions to complex challenges.

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How Community Gardens Can Address Food Sustainability and Connection Challenges

By Grace Okubo, for Compass, June 2024.

Core Competencies


Optimizing digital experiences for users through research, design, testing, and iterative processes.


Guiding teams through creative problem-solving, empathy-driven ideation, and iterative prototyping for innovative solutions.


Anticipating future trends, enabling informed decision-making and proactive adaptation for organizations.


Crafting Preferred Futures through Imagination and Collaboration

Step into a world where imagination and collaboration drive the creation of preferred futures. As a futurist, I am deeply committed to the transformative potential of these elements. Anchored in the conviction that we actively shape our future, I integrate design expertise with innovative thinking to craft extraordinary experiences. By nurturing collective imagination and fostering collaboration, I leverage the intelligence of diverse networks to co-create futures that resonate with purpose and potential. Together, let's weave a tapestry of innovation where each idea contributes to a future without limits. Join me in shaping tomorrow's preferred futures, where the possibilities are boundless.

An eagle in flight

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